We Work With...

The best companies to supply amazing products
... with more room to grow with you.




To create products like this...
The K1700 Powertrain
The K1700 Powertrain is your all in one solution for removing and installing Engines, Transmissions, EV Batteries & more! Call your sales representative to make a purchase today!
Capacity: 1700lbs
Min Height: 21.5"
Max Height: 78"
Table Width: 36"
Table Length: 42"-50"
Electric Over Hydraulic
Remote Control Operated
Sliding Split Table
Tiltable Table
110v Power Strip
Safety Locks
Fixture Jigs
or even like this...
The K8000 EV Battery Service Cart
The K8000 is designed for all sizes of EV batteries. With it's adjustable patented design, this can become the ultimate tool for any mechanic working on any EV (Also works on HEVs).

Capacity: 3200lbs
Min Width: 1.5'
Max Width: 4.4'
Table Length: 71"
Fully Adjustable
Easy To Store
What Clients Say...
"K&L Supply is our go-to shop when it comes to working on our customer's vehicles as the quality of their tools is second to none."

"K&L's Tools & Equipment make our jobs easier and consistent!"
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